When you`re not fully present and aware you go through life on auto-pilot living by habit and reacting unconsciously.  With self awareness you live consciously in the present moment with intention, focus and purpose.  You become proactive rather than reactive.

You can only become self aware when you stop and pay attention to your thoughts, feelings (physical and mental), emotions and behaviours.  Then you can become aware of the beliefs that sabotage your best intentions and discover the root causes of your blocks, negativity, fears, emotions and pain.

Horses are highly aware creatures that can read us through the most subtle cues given by our bodies,breathing and energy. Most humans, however, tend to be disconnected from themselves physically and mentally.  Not understanding your own behaviours and feelings is like giving control of yourself over to a stranger.  You cannot change what you`re not aware of.

Self awareness means being present and consciously clear about who you are, what you want and what you are doing.  It is empowering to be actively aware and in control of your physical, mental and emotional states.  If you are not, you get caught up in your own internal dramas with your unconscious thoughts and beliefs determining your feelings and behaviour.

Ask yourself if your mind is your best friend or your worst enemy.  If you aren`t in control of your thoughts, then your thoughts are in control of you – your feelings, behaviours and the actions you take or don`t take.  You become trapped in an unending loop of old thoughts and beliefs that no longer benefit you.  You remain stuck in the same unconscious patterns that stop you from moving forward and sabotage your best intentions.

In this module, you will learn how to calm yourself by:

•Understanding the mind/body connection
•Practicing awareness of and releasing tension
•Thinking better thoughts
Watch the video (Click the arrow to play)


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You can download the PDF files of the slides from this module here.
You can download the audio file of this module here.
Here are the worksheets for this module:
Change Your Thinking Exercise
Distorted Thinking